Our Team


Rev. Philip Trzynka, Pastor

Like so many other Lutherans, Pastor Phil hails from Fort Wayne, Indiana. His father was a Lutheran Pastor and parochial school teacher in Lanesville, Indiana, Sherwood, Ohio, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Winthrop, Minnesota.

Pastor Trzynka attended St. Francis University, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In 1982 he entered Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, and upon graduating, accepted a call to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Otto, MO. He also served at Immanuel, Olivette, MO, and Prince of Peace Lutheran, Farmington Hills, MI before he transferred to the ELCA and accepted a position as interim pastor at Mission Lutheran Church, Laguna Niguel, CA.

Pastor Phil's last call was to Trinity Lower East Side in December of 1999. He and his husband, Brett Henry, were married in October of 2006. They adopted a son, Joseph, in 2009. They live in Geneva, IL.

Pastor Phil accepted his call at Christ the Lord Lutheran, Elgin beginning November 6, 2017.


Jennifer Stoner - Activities Director

Jennifer Stoner, Activities Director, has been a member of CTL since 2004. The former elementary school teacher wears many hats as a Social Media Manager,Prop Designer for the theater program at Crystal Lake South High School, and Kane County Certified Naturalist. The best job, she’s ever held, however, is MOM to two amazing girls.

She and her wonderful husband, Ben, met while singing in Show Choir at Elgin Community College. He didn’t mention Star Wars at the time.


Michael Waal, Music Director

Michael brings an extensive background in music which contributes to our congregation’s desire to prioritize music in our worship and other events.

He received his bachelor’s degree in music at Northern Michigan University in 1982, and studied at the Interlochen Arts Academy in Interlochen, Michigan.  Michael also took additional organ instruction at the University of Michigan. 

Michael is a member and past Dean of the American Guild of Organists; member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians; has played numerous recitals and hymn festivals throughout the area; and has worked with Erickson and Christian Organ builders. 

Michael has previously served Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Marquette,  Michigan; St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Barrington, IL; Bethlehem Lutheran Church and Good Shepherd Lutheran Churches in Elgin.